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"In another dimension, another time and space,

A parallel universe, falling on its face.

When out of the chaos, who else could it be?

Bucky animal adventurers from S-P-A-C-E!


BUCKY - Captain Bucky O'Hare,

Mutants and aliens and toads beware.

If you're looking for adventure, well this is it,

With Jenny, Dead-eye, Blinkie, and Willie-the-Witt.

I said "Bucky, Captain Bucky O'Hare",


In the battle of the universe, you don't know what's next,

You only know amphibians are made in COMPLEX!

When you check out your scanner, and the evil that it boasts,

There's only one course of action - let's croak us some toads!


Bucky - Captain Bucky O'Hare,

He goes where no ordinary rabbit would dare.

If your Righteous Indignation has suffered a hit,

And your photon-accelerator is broken a bit.

And you're losing your mind, and you're having a fit,

Get the funky, fresh rabbit, who can take care of it...


Bucky - Captain Bucky O'Hare. Say Bucky, I said Bucky,

Bucky O'Hare...

...Let's croak us some toads!